Strategy + Analytics

Digital Marketing Strategy Services

Sales and revenue growth starts with a marketing plan fueled by research and data. At Silverback, our digital marketing strategy services start by aligning your marketing goals, creating a measurement plan that connects campaign-level KPIs to your overall business objective. We define which channel strategies are best suited to reach that goal based on data analysis and audience research.


Increase in YoY leads for AAFMAA


Increase in YoY in-market revenue for Long Home Products


Increase in YoY sales for Ritz-Carlton Residences


Increase in YoY leads for AAFMAA


Increase in YoY in-market revenue for Long Home Products


Increase in YoY sales for Ritz-Carlton Residences


Increase in YoY leads for AAFMAA


Increase in YoY in-market revenue for Long Home Products


Increase in YoY sales for Ritz-Carlton Residences

WHY CHOOSE Silverback AS
Your Analytics & Digital Marketing Strategy Agency?

Marketing leaders are expected to attribute revenue to specific channels. But that can be challenging without the right combination of audience insights and technical understanding of analytics setups, CRM integrations, and website back-ends.

Our digital marketing strategy services align data analytics for digital marketing with your business goals. Mapping your lead-to-sale journey creates a framework to understand customer needs, optimize conversion rates, and attribute revenue.

We take team health seriously. Our focus on strong team chemistry leads to happier clients and higher-performing campaigns. It’s no wonder Inc. Magazine, Ad Age and Washington Post have recognized Silverback’s culture.

We interview your buyers, analyze customer reviews, and listen for feedback on social media to inform a creative strategy that resonates with your buyers.

Our Services

What We Offer

Audience Research

Your buyers hire your product or service to do a job. We find out what that job is so we can develop a content and creative strategy that will resonate with your ideal customers. These insights are paramount to a digital marketing strategy that grabs attention and captivates your audience. 

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Discover customer sentiment toward your brand by analyzing public reviews.

Hear from the voice of your customers to learn why, how and when they make purchase decisions.

Google Analytics

Establishing the right measurement framework is paramount to a successful digital marketing strategy. Google Analytics combines cost- effectiveness, accessibility and functionality for tracking and integrations. Our certified Google Analytics experts build custom reports, track revenue, import costs, and more.

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GA4 will change the way analytics insights are sourced and presented. Get set up the right way. Learn More

Back up your data for storage, reference, and historic analyses.

Reporting & Data Visualization

We look to find the ‘why’ and where opportunities exist for your business. Custom Google Analytics reporting delivers results to help you understand your overall data, custom dimensions, and unique site features. Clear, concise, and easy-to-understand reports and dashboards keep you up to date on your efforts and spend.

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Transform your data into simple visual reports to enable the strategic insights you need to perfect your digital marketing platform strategy.
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Conversion Rate Optimization

Optimize your marketing efforts by looking at the specific triggers that get your audience to convert. Combining insights from UX, content, design, targeting, and Google Analytics, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) services find opportunities that can improve conversion rates to lead to higher ROI and revenue. 

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Analyze SERP competitors to help guide new tests and changes to integrate.

Map your web pages to user intent along their customer journey, and identify specific page elements that drive conversions.

Our Process

Silverback's Formula for Growth

Digital marketing strategy and analytics starts with a firm understanding of your business and your buyers. This gives us the tools we need to set the right direction for your strategy.

  • Align Goals + Objectives – First, we connect your marketing objectives to your business goals and map your customer journey from lead to sale.

  • Build the Foundation – Next, we research your buyers to understand why, how and when they make purchase decisions. These insights are used to inform content and creative strategy.

  • Launch Your Campaign –Then, our digital marketing experts set your campaign in motion on each channel according to plan.

  • Evolve + Optimize – Finally, reporting and data visualization is used to monitor performance and identify opportunities and areas for improvement.

Types of Strategy & Analytics Services

Peak performance in digital marketing is driven by the right strategy and measures the right metrics. At Silverback, we believe strategy starts by aligning goals and objectives, and a fundamental understanding of target customers.

Audience research

We collect insights straight from your customers themselves, which set the direction for content and creative strategy.  

Analytics platform audits & configuration

We take a deeper look at current analytics platforms and data and implement solutions accordingly. 

Tracking & data capture development

We create a strategy around tracking and capturing data for the metrics most important to your business goals. 

Multi-touch attribution insights

We identify opportunities at a broad range of customer touchpoints to optimize conversions.

Anomaly detection analysis

We thoroughly analyze data points and events that don’t match with normal behavior.

Ongoing maintenance and updates

We make sure your analytics platforms are effectively capturing the data required for your business.

Lead-to-sale map

We establish baseline conversion rates from lead to sale, then use that to inform budgets, strategy and more.

"I very much appreciate the team’s hard work and dedication to our brand. With the results we see and how easy it is to work together, Silverback is a true partner."

"Working with Silverback is easy. We see better engagement and more revenue for less spend."

Amanda Hauptfleisch, Associate Director of Marketing, Cornell

Romain Coetmellec, Role, Ocean Conservancy

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you will have access to reporting dashboards. We offer full transparency across each step of the process. Our clients are given links to all reporting materials and dashboards to keep track of their performance and spend.

Yes, Silverback Strategies is a Google Premier Partner Agency, and our cross-functional team consists of analytics experts with certifications in Google Analytics.

We begin by taking a deep dive into your company—getting to know not only your goals, needs, and current marketing efforts, but also your audience, their needs, how they interact with your business, and how marketing plays a role in their conversion. From there, we map your lead-to-sales funnel, identifying where our services can fit in at each stage of their journey. This combined effort is then laid out in detail, resulting in your fleshed out digital marketing strategy.

We always start with first-party data. Any information you have about audience behavior, makeup, and pain points helps us start to inform what they need. We also rely heavily on Google Analytics, per platform data, and the first-hand experiences of your sales team. Where possible, we also set up integrations with your CRM so that data flows freely and entire journeys can be mapped from the first Facebook like to final sale.

Our clients typically provide a list of buyers they want more of. This is an ideal scenario because there can be a warm introduction to our research team. If this is not the case, we have the ability to build customer lists and conduct cold outreach for interviews.

Complete Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing strategy services are a core piece, but need to be executed properly. Create content designed to rank with SEO and reach buyers quickly with paid media

Paid Media

Grab the attention of users on major digital platforms like Facebook, Google and LinkedIn.

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SEO + Content

Create content designed to increase brand authority and search visibility.

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Paid Media

Grab the attention of users on major digital platforms like Facebook, Google and LinkedIn.

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SEO + Content

Create content designed to increase brand authority and search visibility.

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Unlock Your Growth Potential

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